General Information | Library Help and FAQ
When is the Library open?
Consult the library's Hours page for opening and closing times.
Where is the Library?
The library is located on the Main Lawn. It sits between Ganfield Gymnasium and Shattuck Auditorium, directly across from Main Hall.
Where can I park when I am using the Library?
Visitor parking is located in the Otteson parking lot (Lot #9) at the bottom of the hill between East Avenue and Barstow Street. Or, if there's space, you may park in the Campus Center parking lot (Lot #3) on East Avenue. Consult the Public Safety Parking Lot Map for additional information.
Can members of the community or visitors use the library?
Visiting: Members of the community and visitors are welcome to use the library, with some restrictions. Anyone can visit the building during library hours, purchase food/drink in Stone Creek Coffee, and consult the print book collection while in the building. Use of the group study rooms is limited to current Carroll students, faculty, and staff ONLY.
Technology: If you bring your own device (laptop, tablet, smartphone), you can connect to the "Carroll Guest" Wi-Fi network. However, access to library computers and databases are limited to current Carroll students, faculty, and staff ONLY. Additionally, no printing is available for community users/visitors, but a guest copy card may be purchased for $1 and funds added to it to use the photocopy machine. For computer access and printing, we recommend visiting Waukesha Public Library. For library databases, consult Badgerlink, which is available to Wisconsin residents.
Checking Out Materials: Members of the community may borrow library materials by purchasing a Community Patron Card issued by the library. A non-refundable fee of $25.00 is charged for the card and covers 12 months from the date of purchase. A valid state-issued photo ID is required when purchasing the card. Members of the clergy and faith-based leaders of Waukesha County may have the $25.00 fee waived when showing their business card. The Community Patron Card allows for the check out of books, CDs, and DVDs only. Five (5) items may be checked out at one time. The Community Patron Card must be presented to check out items. No interlibrary loan privileges are provided. Community patrons cannot check out reserve materials.
Are food and drinks allowed in the Library?
Users are expected to be responsible and adopt the “leave no trace” philosophy in their use of food and drink in the library by properly disposing of all trash, recycling whenever possible, removing any traces of food and drink, and cleaning all surfaces.
Food-Free and Drink-Free Areas
- Near any equipment, such as: computers, printers, copiers/scanners, microform readers, etc.
- Archives and Special Collections
- If you are disturbing others with your food and drink in the Reading Room, you will be asked to dispose of the food and drink or leave the Reading Room.
- More information about our Food and Drink policy.
When is the Library Classroom open?
The Library Classroom is open based on availability. When library sessions are scheduled, the room is closed to the campus community. Faculty members interested in having their class use the classroom must contact the librarian for their course to arrange an information literacy session.
View this week's classroom schedule!
Where can I return my books if the Library is closed?
Use the bookdrop located outside of the library.
I lost something...did anyone find it?
Items that are lost in the library are housed at the Checkouts Desk for a limited time, then are turned over to the Info Desk at the Campus Center.
Where is the copy machine located? How much do photocopies cost? Can I scan to PDF?
A copier/scanner is available on the first floor of the library in the Information Commons. It copies in black and white and can scan to PDF in color.
Copies are 7 cents per page. We do not take cash for copies.
Scanning to PDF is free. Have your email address handy.
Faculty, staff and students must use your Pioneer Card with Carroll Cash or your department printing code.
Community members must purchase a guest card for $1 at the card vending machine near the main floor copy machine. The $1 charge for a guest card does not include any money for copies. You must also add cash for copies.
How much does it cost to print?
All library printers are part of the PioPrint program.
This includes:
- Secure Release – print jobs are sent to a secure queue for release. Users can only see the jobs they have submitted.
- Print jobs can be released in any campus computer labs and classrooms.
- Cost for printing is:
- Black and White Single Sided - $0.05
- Black and White Duplex - $0.07
- Color (Single Sided) - $0.25
How do I print from my own device?
PioPrint Mobile allows printing to PioPrint printers from a personal device (desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone) simply by sending an email from a Carroll email address.
To submit: Using your Carroll email ( from Office 365 on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, attach the document(s) you want to print. Accepted file types include:
- Office documents: Word, Excel and PowerPoint (.doc,.dot,.docx,.rtf,.eml,.xls,.xlt,.xlsx,.csv,.ppt,.pptx,.pptm)
- Image files (.jpg,.png,.gif,.bmp)
- Text file (.txt)
- PDF documents (.pdf)
Send the email to: (for a black and white printer) (for a color printer)
A confirmation email will be sent once the documents are ready for printing:
To print: PioPrint Mobile jobs can be printed from any PioPrint release station on campus.
Does the library have a 3D printer?
Yes! The library has a 3D printer for use by current Carroll students, faculty, and staff. Consult the library's guide to 3D Printing for the submission form and frequently asked questions.
For 3D printing, the library charges 10 cents per gram with a minimum charge of $1.00 per item. A Pioneer Card with Carroll Cash is the only accepted form of payment for individuals.
Does the library have a fax machine I can use?
No. The library does not have a fax machine. However, there is a fax machine located at the Information Desk in the Campus Center that students and staff are welcome to use for a small fee.