Jennifer Labonte, Carroll University faculty

Jennifer Labonte

Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy 262.951.3128


Occupational Therapy (MOT)


Dr. Jennifer Labonte has been a practicing Occupational Therapy for 20+ years. She is NBCOT certified and has been teaching at Carroll University since 2019.
Prior to teaching, Dr. Labonte has worked in Skilled Nursing, CBRF, ALF, and acute care as an Occupational Therapist and Rehabilitation Director. Dr. Labonte has worked extensively as a corporate clinical support specialist in which she has provided support services to occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, nursing, social services, and activities and has served as an expert in SNF and Medicare regulations, clinical documentation, and corporate education and program development. Dr. Labonte holds specialty certification as a RAC-TA, LSVT BIG, and CKTP.
Dr. Labonte Scholarly work has focused on adults with neurological impairments, leadership, and SNF Medicare. Dr. Labonte incorporates IPE/IPP into her daily practice and supports and designs IPE/IPP education and curriculum.
Courses taught at Carroll University include: Research I (OTH 650) and II (OTH 651), Occupations across the lifespan (OTH 520), Occupational theory (OTH 530), Supervision and Management (OTH 610), Level 1 fieldwork (OTH 521, 531), and Professional Writing (OTH 505).


BS Psychology, UW Eau Claire 1995
BS Occupational Therapy, Mount Mary College 2000
MS Rehabilitation Science, Concordia University 2009
Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, University Eastern Kentucky 2019

Areas of Specialization

Geriatrics, Adult, Dementia, Neurological, Orthopedics, Acute care

Service to Carroll University and Profession

Dr. Labonte is an active member of AOTA and WOTA. She served as the VP of Professional Development for WOTA from 2017-2019 and won national recognition for continuing education opportunities for the field of occupational therapy in the state of Wisconsin. Dr Labonte has received Best in Patient Care from the American Health Council for her work within the healthcare industry.

What is your teaching style?

Problem based learning with real life applications.

Why do you do what you do?

I enjoy actively assisting students cultivate and acquire their professional and creative skills in the field of occupational therapy.

How do you make learning engaging?

I promote active hands learning thru a variety of mediums.

What should students know about you?

I am a strong supporter of lifelong learning, clinical and creative problem solving, and collaboration with other medical professionals. I have an open- door policy and promote student engagement in their learning process.
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